Welsh - English Dictionary
faint - how much 
fan hyn - here 
farnais - varnish 
farneisio - varnish 
fe synnet - you'd be surprised 
feis - vice 
fel - like, as, so 
fel arall - otherwise 
fel arfer - as usual, usually 
fel rheol - as a rule 
fel y dylid - as one ought to 
felly - so 
ffa - beans 
ffabrigo - fabricate 
ffactor - factor 
ffael - fault 
ffaeledd - fault 
ffaelu - fail, faint 
ffafr - favour 
ffafrio - favour 
ffafriol - favorable 
ffagl - torch, flame 
ffaith - fact 
ffarm - farm 
ffefryn - favorite 
ffeithiol - factual 
ffenest - window 
ffenestri - windows 
fferm - farm 
ffermwr - farmer 
ffermydd - farms 
ffesant - pheasant 
ffiniau - borders, outskirts 
ffoi - flee 
ffoi rhag - flee from 
ff�n - telephone 
fforch - fork 
ffordd - way, road 
fforddio - afford 
fforffeidio - forfeit 
ffrae - quarrel 
ffraeo - quarrel 
ffraeth - witty 
ffrances - French woman 
ffrancwr - Frenchman 
ffrind - friend 
ffrio - fry 
ffroenau - nostrils 
ffromi - fume 
ffrwyth - fruit 
ffurf - form, shape 
ffurio - form 
ffwrn - oven 
ffwythiant - function 
ffydd - faith 
ffyddlon - faithful 
ffyrnigo - rage 
fi - I, me 
fiadell - flock 
ficerdy - vicarage 
finegr - vinegar 
fiola - viola 
fioled - violet 
firws - virus 
fodd bynnag - however 
fotio - vote 
Frainc - France 
frwythau - fruit 
fwltur - vulture  Have we got this right? Have we missed anything out? Please use the Form below to let us know. This dictionary is dedicated to the memory of Emrys Rees of Carmarthen (1918 - 2006).