Welsh - English Dictionary
had - seed haeddu - deserve, merit hael - generous haelionus - generous haen - layer haf - summer hafau - summers haffio - snatch hagr - ugly haid - crowd hala at - send to halen - salt halibalw - hullabaloo, uproar hambwrdd - tray hanes - history, report, story hanesydd - historian hanesyddol - historical hanner - half hanner cant - fifty hanner dydd - midday hapus - happy harbwr - harbour hardd - beautiful hardda - most beautiful haul - sun hawdd - easy hawl - demand, right hawlfraint - copyright heb - without heb os nac onibai - without a doubt hebog - hawk hebrwng - accompany heddiw - today heddlu - police heddwas - policeman heddwch - peace heddychlon - peaceful heddychwr - pacifist hedfa - flight hedfan - fly heffrod - heifers hefyd - also heibio i - past heini - fit heintio - infect heintus - infectious hel - gather hela - hunt helaeth - extensive heliwr - huntsman helm - stack helpu - help helynt - fuss hen - old, ancient hen biti - terrible pity hen ferch - spinster henaint - old age hender - oldness hendraul - threadbare hendref - winter dwelling hendrefu - winter heneiddio - grow old heneiddiol - ageing henfam - grandmother henllys - old mansion heno - tonight henoed - old age henuriad - elder henwr - old man heol - road heolydd - roads hepgor - spare, omit hepian - doze hepianus - drowsy her - challenge herc - hop hercian - hop, limp hercyd - reach heresi - heresy herfeiddio - defy herfeiddiol - defiant hergod - something big hergwd - thrust, push, shove herian - challenge herio - challenge heriog - stubborn herlodes - girl herw - raid, wandering herwa - rove, raid herwhela - poach herwlong - pirate ship herwr - prowler, robber, outlaw heyfd - also hi - she her hil - race hiliol - racial hiliwr - racist hir - long hiraeth - a intense form of longing or nostalgia hoffi - like hofran - hover hogi - sharpen holi - ask, inquire holiad - interrogation holnod - question mark hongian - hang honos - ling hudlath - magic wand hulio - spread over hun - slumber hunanbarch - self esteem hunanfeddiant - self-possession hunanladdiad - suicide hunanol - selfish hunllef - nightmare huno - slumber hurt - silly hwch - sow hwn - this hwnt ac yma - here and there hwntw - a person from South Wales hwyad - duck hwyaden - duck hwyaid - ducks hwyl - goodbye, fun, mood hwyliau - moods hwylio - sail hwyrach - perhaps hyd - length, until, as long as hyd y gwyddai - as far as he knew hyd yn hyn - up till now hyd yn oed - even hydd - deer hyder - confidence hyderus - confident Hydref - October hyfedredd - proficiency hyfforddiant - coaching hyfryd - pleasant, lovely, nice hyfrydwch - delight hylo - hello hyn a hyn - so and so hyn oll - all this hynny - that hynny yw - that is hynod - remarkable hyrddyn - mullet hysbysu - inform Have we got this right? Have we missed anything out? Please use the Form below to let us know. This dictionary is dedicated to the memory of Emrys Rees of Carmarthen (1918 - 2006). |