Welsh - English Dictionary
i - i, me, in order to 
i beth - what for 
i fesur helaeth iawn - to a great extent 
i ffwrdd � ni - off we go 
i fodolaeth - in existence 
i fwrdd - away 
i fyny - up 
i lawr - down 
i mewn - inside 
i mewn i - into 
iach - healthy 
iaith - language 
iarll - earl 
iawn - fine 
iechyd - health 
ieithoedd - languages 
ieithydd - linguist 
iethyddiaeth gymwysedig - applied linguistics 
ildio - yield 
inflame - ennyn 
ingoedd - agonies 
insinuation - ensyniad 
Ionawr - January 
iro - grease, smear 
is-raddol - inferior 
is-ganghellor - vice-chancellor 
isaf - lowest 
Isalmaeneg - Dutch 
isel - low 
iseldir - lowland 
i'w canlyn - in their wake 
Iwerddon - Ireland  Have we got this right? Have we missed anything out? Please use the Form below to let us know. This dictionary is dedicated to the memory of Emrys Rees of Carmarthen (1918 - 2006).