Welsh - English Dictionary
ucha - highest 
uchafbwynt - climax 
uchel - high 
ucheldras - of noble lineage 
ufudd - obedient 
ufuddhau - obey 
ugain - twenty 
un - one, individual 
un ar bymtheg - sixteen 
un ar ddeg - eleven 
un ar ddeg ar hugain - thirty one 
un ar hugain - twenty one 
unau - ones, individuals 
undeb - union, unity 
undeb myfyrwyr - students' union 
undebau - unions 
undebau myfyrwyr - students' union 
undeg dau - twelve 
undeg un - eleven 
unideg - united 
unig - only 
unigol - singular 
uniongyrchol - direct 
Unol Daleithiau - USA 
unrhywbeth - anything 
unrhywun - anyone 
unwaith - once 
urddas - dignity 
urddasol - graceful, noble 
ustus - magistrate 
uwch - higher 
uwchlaw - above 
uwd - porridge  Have we got this right? Have we missed anything out? Please use the Form below to let us know. This dictionary is dedicated to the memory of Emrys Rees of Carmarthen (1918 - 2006).