Welsh - English Dictionary
o - from 
o amgylch - around 
o bob math - of every kind 
o bosib - possibly 
o bwys - of importance 
o chwith - wrong 
o daro - bother 
o ddim pwys - of no importance 
o flaen - in front of 
o gwbl - at all 
o gwbwl - at all 
o gwmpas - around 
o hyd - continually 
o hyn ymlaen - from now on 
o hynny ymlaen - from then on 
o ran hynny - for that matter 
o�r herwydd - for that reason 
oblegid - because 
ochr - side 
oddi tanynt - below them 
odi - snow 
odli - rhyme 
oed - age, time, date 
oedi - delay, hesitate 
oediad - delay 
oedolion - adults 
oen - lamb 
oer - cold 
oeraidd - coldish 
oerfel - cold 
oergell - fridge 
oeri - cool, chill 
oes - age, there is, there are 
ofer - vain, idle 
ofergoelus - superstitious 
offeiriad - priest 
offer - tools 
ofn - fear 
ofnadwy - terrible 
ofni - fear 
ofnus - fearful 
ofyr�ls - overalls 
ogof - cave 
olew - oil 
olion - mark 
olwyn lywio - steering wheel 
olyniaeth - succession 
olynu - succeed to 
onibai - were it not 
onibai am - were it not for 
onid - is not 
o'r blaen - before 
o'r ddeutu - on both sides 
o'r diwedd - at last 
o'r golwg - out of sight 
o'r gorau - all right 
o'r herwydd - as a result 
ordro - order 
oren - orange 
oriel - gallery 
orlais - clock 
os - if 
os bu un erioed - if ever there was one 
os gwelwch yn dda - please 
os mynnwch - if you wish 
osgo - gesture 
osio - offer to do  Have we got this right? Have we missed anything out? Please use the Form below to let us know. This dictionary is dedicated to the memory of Emrys Rees of Carmarthen (1918 - 2006).