‘Cardiff Conversation’ Launched to Get City Businesses Talking

Deputy Leader for Cardiff Council, Cllr Neil McEvoy, has launched the Cardiff Conversation, a new blog www.cardiffconversation.co.uk which aims to bring the Cardiff Business community together to share ideas and to support the future of business in the capital.

Included on the blog is a short film presented by Cllr McEvoy outlining his plans for the future alongside contributions from members of the Cardiff business community giving their opinion on why Cardiff is a good place for business and how the city can expand.  Those featured include Adrian Clark, Legal and General, Steve Garrett, Riverside Farmers Market and Mark Hallett, Igloo Regeneration.

The blog allows the reader to give their own feedback on what the Council can do to help business in the city. These comments will be monitored by the Council’s Business Development who will use the views to feed into the ‘What Matters’ strategy which sets the vision for how Cardiff will move forward over the next 10 years.

During the launch the audience previewed the short film and were given the opportunity to attend a workshop were ideas on the future in Cardiff were shared.

The event also featured contributions from Adrian Clark, Director of Legal and General in Cardiff and Chair of the Cardiff Business Partnership, and Greg Clarke, the internationally renowned expert on economic development.

Deputy Leader and Executive Member for Economic Development, Cllr Neil McEvoy, commented “We have entered a new economic era.  The lessons from international cities are clear.   A country’s success will depend on the proper functioning of its cities, and Wales is no different – Cardiff can deliver prosperity for Wales.   We must think differently about sources of funding and investment.  We should be on the front foot around new powers for Wales to change corporation tax, empty buildings rate relief and innovative mechanisms like Tax Increment Financing.  New business models, like social enterprises, should be explored.  These are opportunities Wales must grasp.

“A strong business voice is also crucial in helping cities respond in the new economy.  This is why we have set up the Cardiff Conversation. I would urge the business community of Cardiff to log on to the blog and have their say in how we can deliver prosperity in the city, and the region, in the next ten years.”

Photograph: Adrian Clark, Director of Legal and General in Cardiff and Chair of the Cardiff Business Partnership, Deputy Leader of Cardiff Council and Executive Member for Economic Development Cllr Neil McEvoy and  internationally renowned expert on economic development Greg Clarke.
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