
A crempog is a Welsh pancake made with flour, salt, eggs, milk and butter. They are also known as ffroes and normally served piled into a stack and spread with butter. The English word crumpet may be derived from it.

In poetry
A Welsh verse sung by children refers to crempog:

‘Sgwelwch chi’n dda ga i grempog?
Mae ‘ngheg i’n grimpin grempog
Mae Mam rhy dlawd i dlawd i brynu blawd
Mae ‘Nhad rhy ddiog i weithio
‘Sgwelwch chi’n dda ga i grempog
In English:

Please may I have some pancakes?
My mouth is parched for pancakes
My mum is too poor to buy flour
My dad is too lazy to work
Please may I have some pancakes?

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