‘Research as Art’ Competition 2012 – Capturing the Diversity and Beauty of Research

An exciting judging panel has been assembled for Swansea University’s annual Research as Art competition.

Now in its third year Swansea University Research Forum (SURF), in collaboration with Bridging the Gaps, is inviting its academics to submit a visual representation of their research along with an impactful and inspiring short descriptor.

The competition gives contributors the opportunity to have their research promoted through external project links, be judged by a distinguished panel of artists, journalists, researchers and photographers, a permanent campus exhibit, a touring exhibition and  entries from the previous two years have been selected by the Vice Chancellor for the University Christmas cards.

The competition open ups the potential for making our research visible to people that are: on the executive board that sits above all of our research council funding bodies; director at one of the UK’s most prestigious public engagement organisation; and deputy editor of a research website that gets 3 million unique users online every month!

The high-profile panel consists of:

  • Prof. John Womersley – RCUK Executive Board, RCUK Champion for Public Engagement with Research, and Chief Executive Officer of the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC)
  • Dr. Gail Cardew – Director of Science and Education at the Royal Institution, Vice-President of Euroscience, Wellcome Collection Advisory Panel, EPSRC Peer Review College
  • Flora Graham – Deputy Editor of NewScientist.com, also worked for BBC, CBC and CNET UK as a writer/broadcaster
  • Prof Noel Thompson – Pro-Vice Chancellor for Research at Swansea University, Fellow of the Royal Historical Society

In addition to this inspirational judging panel, there will be an external exhibition of images this summer in The Grand Theatre (16th – 29th July).

Visit the website for more information along with previous submissions and winners  http://www.swan.ac.uk/research/surf/art-competition/

For further information on the competition contact Dr Richard Johnston at [email protected]


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