“Why We Changed Our Minds About Devolution”

People in Wales who were against the National Assembly in 1997 explained yesterday why they will be voting yes on March 3rd.

Former ‘No’ voters explained at a press conference in Cardiff why they have changed their minds about devolution and why they believe everyone should vote ‘Yes’ in this week’s referendum.

Adrian Curtis, who runs a Food Bank in Ebbw Vale wasn’t convinced about the creation of the National Assembly in 1997 but said devolution in Wales has proved its worth.

“I think I was quite sceptical about whether an Assembly could deliver real tangible benefits for Wales and whether devolution would generate more bureaucracy rather than results,” he said.

“Having seen the Assembly working I have been really surprised at the bold policies it has implemented in Wales – policies that have made a positive impact on many diverse groups in Wales.  Most of all I have been impressed at how accessible the Assembly is to Welsh people.  The AMs I have met share a concern for the welfare of Welsh communities and since I work in the third sector I can see how this will benefit charities and ultimately the people they serve in Wales.

“I now believe devolution works and brings decision makers closer to the people those decisions impact upon. What we now need is to make sure the Assembly can operate as efficiently as possible so that Wales can enjoy the many benefits devolution can provide. That is why I am delighted to vote Yes for Wales!”

Nick Bourne, leader of the Welsh Conservatives, was one of the most high profile ‘No’ voters ahead of the 1997 referendum, but says he now believes devolution works for Wales and a ‘Yes’ vote on March 3rd is the only way forward for Wales.

“I voted ‘No’ because I thought the Assembly would be divisive and lead to the weakening of the UK,” said Mr Bourne.

“I was wrong about that – devolution has not weakened the UK and the number of people who want independence has not increased as a result.

“I believe that the Assembly offers an open and accessible forum for people in Wales and brings decision-making closer to people. I t is only right that we should now be able to make laws in Wales on issues that only affect people in Wales, and that is why I will be voting ‘Yes’ this time around.”


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