100th birthday celebrations

The Chair of Flintshire County Council, Councillor Hilary McGuill, has helped a Buckley lady to celebrate a special birthday.

Winifred Cropper enjoyed her 100th birthday at Willowdale residential home in Buckley recently, where she was visited by Councillor McGuill.

Mrs Cropper was born in 1912 in Buckley. She lived in Brunswick Road and went to Buckley Board CP School. She met Neil Cropper, a bank manager, and they married in 1936. They had two children; Noel and Bronwen. She now has four grandchildren. Neil developed Multiple Sclerosis and Winifred became his carer. Due to her husband’s illness, Mrs. Cropper decided to learn to drive at the age of 60, and continued to drive until she was 93 years old. Her hobbies included singing and being part of a choir. She also still enjoys playing the piano. She was active in the Buckley Jubilee, taking part in the walk every year. When asked what her secret was to a long life, Winifred said:

“I have never smoked and rarely drank. I just enjoy the occasional celebration tipple, plenty of daily walking, a sensible diet, keeping active, singing and enjoying music, and I keep a very happy focus on my life.”

Winifred moved to Willowdale for respite care two months ago; she enjoyed living there so much that she decided to move in permanently.

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