17th Annual Pennant Lecture

FlintshireHolywell Library and Learners’ Centre will be hosting the Annual Pennant Lecture on Thursday 17 October 2013, at 7.30pm.

Cymdeithas Thomas Pennant has invited Professor Dafydd Johnston, Head of the University of Wales Centre for Advanced Welsh & Celtic Studies, to deliver this year’s lecture. The lecture is entitled ‘Thomas Pennant as successor to Edward Llwyd’. The event is sponsored by Flintshire County Council and Cymdeithas Thomas Pennant.

Professor Dafydd Johnston is a graduate of Cambridge and Aberystwyth and was previously Professor of Welsh at Swansea University. He is the author and editor of many books and articles on Welsh literature.

The lecture will draw the parallels and diversity between Edward Llwyd and Thomas Pennant. Both were Oxford University men and both were polymaths. They both had a keen interest in the natural sciences and in history and language, and were devout Welshmen, proud of their nation’s heritage.

Edward Llwyd wrote extensively on the Welsh language and became Keeper of the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford. He made significant contributions to the study of botany, palaeontology, the Celtic languages and the culture of Wales, where he travelled extensively. Pennant was ‘the gentleman amateur’ who studied the natural sciences, especially zoology, and he was also a historian and travel writer, noted for his ‘tours’ of Scotland and Wales as well as journeys into England.

The Pennant group exists to celebrate his achievements and promote further study of his life. The 17th Annual Lecture will be an interesting and stimulating evening, continuing an established tradition of engaging expert speakers to add to the body of knowledge about Thomas Pennant.

Councillor Chris Bithell, Cabinet Member for Education, said:

“The 17th Annual Pennant Lecture will be an interesting and stimulating evening, continuing an established tradition of engaging expert speakers to add to the body of knowledge about Thomas Pennant. Pennant Lectures are always well attended, so I would urge those wishing to attend to book in advance.”

Pennant Lectures are always well attended. Tickets are available at Holywell library, priced at £3 (concessions £2). Places are strictly limited, so advance purchase is strongly recommended to avoid disappointment on the night.

For further details phone the library on 01352 713157.


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