200 days till carrier bag charge starts in Wales – almost 24,000 information packs sent to retailers this week

In 200 days’ time Wales will be the first UK country to introduce a charge for single-use carrier bags. A minimum charge of five pence will be introduced on 1st October. The move is part of the Assembly Government’s goal of dramatically reducing the number of carrier bags given out to shoppers.

This week Welsh retailers are being sent a pack by the Assembly Government that explains the main points of the charge and answers questions most often asked by retailers about the charge. It also directs them to a website for more information and includes a poster that can be displayed in shops to raise awareness of the incoming charge.

Speaking about this high profile Welsh policy, Environment Minister Jane Davidson said:

“We have worked closely with the British Retail Consortium, Federation of Small Business, CBI and others in developing our charge for single use carrier bags and delayed introducing the charge by six months to accommodate the requests of retailers.

“This charge has always been popular with the public and I am certain that it will help us to significantly reduce the number of carrier bags given out in Wales.

“There is no doubt in my mind that such a reduction is needed. In Wales during 2009 we took home on average 273 carrier bags per household from the major supermarkets alone. Add to this the number of bags we pick up when shopping on the high street or at smaller stores and you are left with an even higher figure.

“Whilst I know that reducing our use of single use carrier bags is not going to solve all our environmental problems the charge delivers an important message about the need for us to live much more sustainable lives.”

The level of the carrier bag charge has been set at a minimum of 5p. The Assembly Government believes this is high enough to encourage people to change their shopping habits but not so high that it will deter impulse shopping or place a significant burden on shoppers who have forgotten their reusable bags.

The Minister added:

“The idea of the charge is not to make people pay for carrier bags. Rather it is to encourage shoppers to make use of the bags they already have.

“No one has to pay the charge; it can be simply avoided if we remember to carry bags with us when we do our shopping.”

To encourage shoppers to re-use bags, the Assembly Government is giving away free jute bags to members of the public. Bags are limited and will be issued on a first come, first served basis. To receive a bag, email your top tip for remembering to take a bag with you when you go shopping, along with your name and address to [email protected]

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