£3.8m grant for first phase of coastal defence scheme for west Rhyl

Environment Minister, Jane Davidson, has approved a Welsh Assembly Government coastal protection grant of over £3.8m million which will fund coastal protection works at west Rhyl. Work on the project is expected to start later this month.

This work is estimated to cost just over £7 million, and has already been granted £3.2 million from the European Regional Development Fund.

Denbighshire County Council is proposing the works to reduce the risk of coastal flooding and erosion in the west Rhyl area. The Council’s report estimates that no investment in defences would result in a risk of over £200 million worth of damage to property.

The Council proposes to strengthen the existing sea walls at the mouth of the River Clwyd by piling the foundations and adding a rock revetment and wave return wall to reduce wave over topping. The river training wall will also be strengthened with rock armour. The scheme has been designed to maintain flood defences for the long term and includes allowances for sea level rise.

Commenting on the project the Minister said:

“One in six properties in Wales is currently at risk of flooding, with flooding estimated to cause in the region of £200 million of damage each year. We recognise that as the climate changes and sea level rises, flood and coastal erosion risk is set to increase significantly over time.

“That is why Welsh Assembly Government is leading a major change in the way we manage flood and erosion risk to address this. We will have to adapt to increased flood and erosion risk by employing a wide range of measures such as improving warnings and community resilience and how we plan for coastal change.

“Defences to protect against flooding and coastal erosion will continue to play an important part in managing the risks which is why I was delighted to approve this grant money to secure the start of this major coastal defence scheme on the North Wales coast.

“The Assembly Government is committed to supporting as many flood management schemes across Wales as possible and our current programme indicates that over 2,000 properties will benefit from improved protection in 2010 /11.”


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