3,000 students to celebrate graduation

Swansea University will celebrate the achievements of more than 3,000 graduating students next week (19th July 2010).

The undergraduate and postgraduate students will receive their degrees during 12 graduation ceremonies to be held in Swansea’s Brangwyn Hall. They will be joined by their friends and families, as well university officials, academic staff, representatives of the Students’ Union, and civic officers and local dignitaries.

Swansea University’s Vice-Chancellor, Professor Richard B Davies, said: “Graduation is the happiest time of the academic year, and all our graduates can take justifiable pride in what they have achieved. It takes tremendous dedication and effort to complete a degree programme, and everyone graduating next week can be reassured that the analytical and intellectual skills they have gained during the course of their studies will benefit their personal and professional development. For many, of course, their degree provides direct access to a profession”.

“Graduation ceremonies also give University staff an opportunity to recognise the important role that friends and families play in supporting and encouraging our students throughout their studies, and we join them in celebrating the graduates’ successes.”

This year’s graduation ceremonies represent an important milestone in the University’s history, with Monday 19th July marking the 90th anniversary of the laying of the University’s foundation stone by King George V in 1920.

The University will also award Swansea University degrees for the first time. In 2005, the University was granted its own degree awarding powers following a thorough review by the Quality Assurance Agency of all aspects of its teaching, research supervision, quality systems, and management. Earning the right to award its own degrees was a major step towards Swansea’s eventual independence in 2007, and is an unequivocal endorsement of the standards and quality of the University’s awards at all levels

Professor Davies said: “Swansea University is enjoying the most exciting and transformational period in its long history. Applications to study at Swansea are at record levels and, as a research-led university, we are attracting greater levels of funding than ever before. All those receiving degrees next week can be confident that they are graduating from an ambitious and successful university with a growing international reputation.

“I am sure that our graduates will look back with great affection to their time at Swansea, and will agree that their experience of university has been career- and life-enhancing. Many will have made lifelong friends, and all have memories that will last a lifetime. I congratulate all our graduates on their achievements, and wish them every success for the future.”


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