40 jobs filled by youth employment scheme

A scheme designed to help young unemployed people find work is proving a big success in Pembrokeshire.

During the first few months, 40 jobs have already been filled under the UK Government-funded Future Jobs Fund programme.

It was back in October that Pembrokeshire County Council successfully tendered for the 12-month scheme which aims to provide 160 job opportunities for 18 to 24-year-olds who have been claiming Jobseekers Allowance for between six to 12 months.

The jobs – which are either with the local authority itself or its partner organisations – provide a paid work placement for 25 hours per week for up to 26 weeks at national minimum wage with additional help with travel costs.

The employees are supported by a work-focused activity plan and regular in-work support with reviews to progress that person into sustained employment.

Support and training is also offered at the Council’s Futureworks centres in Pembroke Dock and Milford Haven to develop job-seeking skills while the fund can also provide some limited support for the attainment of job-related qualifications.

To date, job opportunities which have been filled range from classroom assistants at Sir Thomas Picton School to trainee wardens with the National Park and leisure attendants at various sports centres in the County.

Said the Council’s Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Economic Development, Councillor John Allen-Mirehouse: “It’s a fantastic scheme offering young unemployed people some really worthwhile experience that will help them build on their existing skills, achieve qualifications and move in to long-term employment.”

Antony John from Pembroke Dock was the first to gain employment through the Fund.

Having been out of work for almost a year, Antony needed experience in an office environment and wanted to start a career in administration.

He was successful in his application as a Business Hub assistant with the Economic Development Team based at the e-Commerce Centre in Pembroke Dock.

Antony said: “I am thoroughly enjoying my time working within the Business Hub as it is giving me the opportunity to develop my administrative and communication skills.

“I quickly discovered that I.T. is a fundamental part of the daily workings of a busy office and to make sure I was up to date with current office systems I enrolled on a European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL) course.

“It is also providing me with work experience which will assist me in gaining full time employment in the near future.”

David Roost started his placement in December as a Waste and Recycling Adviser based at the County Council’s depot at Thornton, Milford Haven.

‘‘My only previous experience relating to this role was door-to-door sales. Now I use those skills to educate and advise the people of Pembrokeshire on how to recycle their waste.

“I have learnt so much in the last three months and hope to follow a career within this type of industry.”

Photograph: Antony and David are pictured with Council employment coach, Richard Drummond

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