£400,000 facelift for Conway Road, Llandudno Junction

Public information days will be held in Llandudno Junction next week to explain plans to enhance Conway Road.

Conwy County Borough Council and the Welsh Assembly Government have prepared a £400,000 Streetscape Enhancement Scheme for Conway Road, as part of the ongoing regeneration of Llandudno Junction.

Local residents, businesses and interested groups are invited to view the proposals and members of the Project Team will be available to answer any questions at:

18 March
Llandudno Junction and District Labour Club
5pm – 8pm

19 March
War Memorial Hall
10am – 1pm

21 March
Welsh Assembly Government Building
10am – 2pm

Cllr Philip Evans, Cabinet Member for Corporate and Regulatory Services said: “The Welsh Assembly Government has agreed to contribute approximately £165,000 towards the physical regeneration of Conway Road, this is an opportunity to develop upon the existing streetscape scheme that shouldn’t be missed as the grant will only be available for a short period of time.”

The work involves an overall upgrade of Conway Road, including clearing overgrowth, tackling unsightly areas and providing new planting. Pavements will be refurbished and renewed where needed and new streetlamps, signage and new street furniture will be installed. It is envisaged that making the area more attractive will support existing businesses and jobs, as well as attracting new business to the town.

Llandudno Junction Councillors are urging people to take this opportunity to get involved:

Cllr Meirion Hughes said: “This is the beginning of an exciting programme to re-establish and strengthen the role and function of Conway Road.  The plan to boost the street environment is one of a number of schemes to improve commercial premises and surroundings. We want to revitalise the heart of the town centre, and help it to offer a diverse range of facilities for local residents, workers and visitors to the area.”

Cllr Mike Priestley said: “Our aim is to deliver improvements based on what local people and businesses want to see. Feedback from previous public consultation events highlighted Conway Road as in need of regeneration. I would encourage the community to come along and take the opportunity to comment on the proposals and share ideas on improvements that could be considered in future.”

Cllr Sue Shotter added: “There is a great deal of work planned for the future of Llandudno Junction and our aim is to make sure local businesses reap the benefits.”

Details of the Streetscape Enhancement Scheme will also be available to view at Llandudno Junction Library on 23 March from 9.30am-12noon and at Llandudno Junction Community Club, Victoria Drive on 24 March from10am-2pm and online at www.conwy.gov.uk/llandudnojunction

For more information about the Scheme please phone 01492 575245.


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