5 is the Magic Number for Food Safety in Cardiff

Cardiff Council’s Public Protection Team in partnership with the Food Standards Agency Wales (FSAW) has celebrated the range of businesses that have achieved a Food Hygiene Rating Scheme Score of 5 since October 2010.  

The Food Hygiene Rating Scheme (FHRS) developed by the Food Standards Agency (FSA) in partnership with local authorities in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, provides information on food hygiene standards to help people to choose where to eat out or shop for food.

Food outlets, such as restaurants, takeaways and pubs, are inspected by food safety officers from Cardiff Council, to check that their hygiene standards meet legal requirements. The hygiene standards found at these inspections are rated on a scale ranging from zero at the bottom (which means ‘urgent improvement necessary’) to a top rating of five (‘very good’).

These ratings are available for anyone to view on the FSA website at food.gov.uk/ratings and the food business are  given a sticker and certificate and encouraged to display these at the entrance to their premises.

In addition the celebratory event allowed the businesses to gain information on the Healthy Options Award which is run by the Health Improvement Team in Cardiff Council.  The morning included an enlightening talk from a local food business woman Kemi Nevins who runs Kemis Café at Craft in the Bay.

Cllr Ed Bridges, Chairman of Licensing Committee & Public Protection Committee said, “It is very good news for residents and visitors to Cardiff that so many food businesses are hitting the top rating for hygiene.  These ratings really matter to people and means they can enjoy safe food in confidence.  We always seek to encourage everyone to make informed choices with their food as this scheme plus the Healthy Options Award helps people do just that.”

Dr Sharon Hopkins, Executive Director of Public Health Wales Cardiff and Vale University Health Board also encouraged businesses to apply for the Healthy Options Award saying;
“Being a healthy city means that we aim to encourage individuals to make healthy lifestyle choices as well as encourage businesses and organisations to provide a supportive environment that promotes good health.  Cardiff’s food businesses have a huge part to play in influencing the health of Cardiff’s population, and the Food Hygiene Rating Scheme and the Healthy Options Award recognises those businesses that are playing their part”.

The Healthy Options Award aims to encourage food businesses that cater to the public to provide healthier options to customers, through the use of healthier catering practices, increasing fruit and vegetables and starchy carbohydrates and decreasing fat especially saturated fat, sugar and salt. If you are a Cardiff food business and would like to find out if your business is eligible please contact the Health Improvement Team on 02920871161. If you would like further information about the FHRS please contact the Food Safety Team on 029 20871128.


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