999 day brings out the crowds

Police in Holywell held a successful 999 day in the town on Saturday, raising awareness of the work the emergency services do.

Police, Ambulance , Fire and Resuce the RNLI and Coastguard personnel and vehicles were on display in the town centre while money was raised for the scouts and the Singing Hands Sign Choir from Ellesmere Port, which raises awareness about the issues deaf people face.

Organisers PC Cath McHarrie and PSCO Martin Rowlands from the Holywell Neighbourhood Policing Team said the day drew in the crowds and was a great success.

PC McHarrie said: “Local people said they enjoyed the displays and the music of the Air Cadets band. They were also impressed with the fact that a police officer was able to use sign language to communicate with the community.”

The organisers would like to thank everyone who part and would encourage residents at and businesses to keep in contact with their local NPT.


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