Be Healthy in 2014 at Cardiff Central Library

Cardiff Logo smallWith a New Year beginning many of us have made New Year resolutions to make healthy choices and focus on our health in 2014. To help those who need a bit of inspiration; Cardiff Central Library is hosting a Health and Wellbeing Event on Saturday January 25, between 10am-4pm.

The event will provide the opportunity for people to find out more information or take part in activity sessions about how to live healthily and improve their lifestyle. There will be, information stalls, seminars and taster workshops available on a variety of interesting subjects.

With over 27 exhibitors providing free information on losing weight, getting fit, and learning new skills. The whole event is designed to enhance mind, body and soul; including Broadway Drawing School, who will host The Deep Drawing Workshop, Tough Love Personal Training which will be on hand to offer facts about fight fat, Fit Bump Fitness during and after pregnancy, Wonderland Dance Studios and Go Theatre School who will provide tasters into a variety of dance genres, plus and many more.

Cabinet Member for Communities, Housing and Social Justice, Cllr Lynda Thorne, said: “The New Year is a time when many of us make New Year resolutions relating to changes to our health and wellbeing. We all promise to make healthier choices but we don’t always know where to begin. The event at Central Library provides the opportunity for people to get the right advice and information to really stick to their 2014 resolution. There are a number of expert exhibitors on hand providing free advice and information.”

The event is free for people to attend, for more information and to sign up for the available courses visit
