George: Help Make Homes Resilient to Flooding

Russell_GeorgeWelsh Conservatives will today hold a major debate urging the Welsh Government to take measures to help make homes in vulnerable areas more resilient to flooding.

Parts of Wales have seen severe flooding over the past six to eight weeks, with many coastal communities amongst the hardest hit.

At the time of some of the worst flooding in Wales, both Carwyn Jones and the Environment Minister were abroad.  Labour Ministers have since announced an investigation into the floods, co-ordinated by Natural Resources Wales.

Following flooding, the Welsh Government previously piloted a grant scheme in 2020/11 to help those at greatest risk of flooding to make their homes more resilient to floodwaters.

Figures uncovered by the Welsh Conservatives show a decline of nearly 10% in the number of Natural resources Wales staff engaged in flood risk management.

Russell George AM, Shadow Minister for the Environment, said:

“Recent flooding has caused severe damage to many coastal communities in Wales, with devastating consequences for families, businesses as well as our coastal heritage.

“Some towns were evacuated while some families were forced from their homes and were forced to spend Christmas in temporary accommodation.

“The floods were an extreme weather event, but they highlight the need to do more to protect coastal towns and villages and communities near other water sources from the threat of flooding.

“The Welsh Labour Government previously piloted a grant scheme to help households at greatest risk of flooding to make their homes more resilient to the threat, but it was discontinued.

“The recent floods laid bare weaknesses in Wales’ flood protection and while there are clear projects for Natural Resources Wales in improving defences, households and businesses should be able to access resources to protect their property.

“Flood risk management is not only about protecting people, homes and property, but about safeguarding jobs, business premises and maintaining economic growth.

“Welsh Labour Ministers must examine the conclusions of the Natural Resources Wales flooding investigation closely and consider what support can be offered to families and businesses to help prevent a repeat of this winter’s severe flooding.”

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