William Powell AM Accepts Petition to Secure Services at Cardigan Hospital

Secure Cardigan Hospital Petition. William Powell AMWilliam Powell AM, Chair of the National Assembly for Wales’ Petitions Committee, has today accepted a petition signed by over eleven thousand people calling on Hywel Dda Local Health Board to:

(a) overturn the recent decision to close all in-patient beds in Cardigan Community Hospital;
(b) provide a clear timetable regarding future health provision in the Cardigan area;
(c) proceed with plans to provide a new Cardigan Hospital, with beds, as soon as possible.

William Powell, Welsh Liberal Democrat for Mid and West Wales, said:

“I was very pleased to receive this petition on behalf of the National Assembly for Wales’ Petitions Committee.

“The fact that it received over 11,000 signatures is testament to the importance of Cardigan Hospital to West Wales and why Hywel Dda LHB needs to act to ensure that patients do not lose out thanks to the changes they are proposing in line with the Welsh Labour Government’s cuts to the Welsh NHS.”

“I was also pleased to have the opportunity to raise the Petition in the Assembly with the First Minister, Carwyn Jones, when I stressed the level of concern in Cardigan and beyond. In particular, I emphasized the importance of effective communications and transparency from Hywel Dda LHB, which is one area where the petitioners feel particularly let down.’’
