Ramsay Reselected as Assembly Candidate for Monmouth Constituency

Nick_RamsayMonmouth Conservative Association reselected sitting Assembly Member Nick Ramsay to contest the seat at the next Assembly election in May 2016.

Nick, who has represented the Monmouth constituency since 2007 was reselected at a meeting of the Association’s Executive Committee and made the future of Monmouthshire a key plank of his forthcoming campaign.

Nick said:

“I am grateful to have received the backing of the Monmouth Conservative Association to stand again for the Monmouth constituency in the 2016 Assembly Elections.”

“There remains much work to be done in holding the Welsh Government to account. Our NHS and education system continue  to face major challenges and Wales remains officially the poorest part of the UK despite the beginnings of a welcome economic recovery across the rest of the country.

“When I was first elected in 2007 I pledged to stand up for the people and county of Monmouthshire. The recent report of the Williams Commission proposes major changes to the structure of local government in Wales and I will do all I can to ensure Monmouthshire is not wiped off the map.”
