Davies: Assets Must Deliver Value for Taxpayers

Paul_Davies_AMCommenting on the publication of figures uncovered by Wales Eye revealing that the value of just three of the Welsh Government’s offices (in Llandudno, Aberystwyth and Cathays Park) top over £56million, Paul Davies AM, Shadow Minister for Finance, said:

“In times of austerity, all publicly funded bodies should be tightening their belts, considering how they can do more for less and examining whether assets are being used to their potential.

“These figures show that in just three buildings, the Welsh Government has over £56million locked up in assets – money which could make a significant difference to the funding of vital public services or investment in modern infrastructure.

“The Welsh Labour Government should make strides to use its estate more efficiently, especially given that the total value of its estate including other offices and other publicly owned properties must be considerable higher.

“Labour Ministers should regularly audit their estate and consider how rooms and buildings that are surplus to requirements could generate an income or be sold.

“The Welsh Government’s Cathays Park offices cost £4million, over a third of their value, in maintenance costs every year and are supposedly in dire need of a full renovation.

“Welsh Labour Ministers must be more imaginative in the way they use office space to deliver value for money for taxpayers.”


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