Denbighshire Launches Fuel Poverty Action Plan

denbighshireDenbighshire and partner organisations have pledged to tackle the growing issue of fuel poverty in the county.

Across Wales, fuel poverty affects around 26% of households who spend more than 10% of their income on fuel. They estimate this affects around 10,600 in Denbighshire.

The Council with partners in Denbighshire Advice Network will be working together to do as much as is possible to reduce, halt or soften the impact of fuel poverty. Denbighshire’s fuel poverty action plan  will deliver 18 actions involving a range or organisations and schemes such as the North Wales Energy Advice Centre, the Financial Inclusion Together Project, the Energy Saving Trust and  NEST (the Welsh Government’s Fuel Poverty Scheme).

Work will now begin on identifying areas where homes are likely to benefit from ECO energy efficiency measures, delivering energy advice, exploring the possibility of renewable heat incentives and subsidies from utility companies, working with Cadwyn Clwyd to address rural fuel poverty and consideration of establishing bulk purchasing projects for groups for all types of fuel.  Other actions will maximising people’s income, resolve personal debts and securing the best fuel prices.

This fuel poverty action plan will link in to Denbighshire’s Big Plan’s outcomes to reduce poverty among disadvantaged families, young and older people, promote healthy lifestyles, create a sustainable economy and recognising the needs of rural communities.

Denbighshire’s Cabinet Lead Member for Customers and Communities, Councillor Hugh Irving, said:

“The success of this action plan will depend on all of our organisations working together effectively and innovatively at a time when resources and funding are becoming increasingly scarce.

“We will be evaluating our work and, most importantly, what difference it is making to the quality of life for our residents and will be reporting back to the Denbighshire Advice Network on a six monthly basis.”

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