Proposals for the Prevention of Offending by Young People Published

Lesley_GriffithsThe Welsh Government has published its White Paper proposals on the Prevention of Offending by Young People, Local Government and Government Business Minister, Lesley Griffiths announced today.

The Minister made the announcement during a visit to Bridgend Youth Offending Service to see how a multi agency team made up of representatives from social services, education, the police, probation, health and voluntary agencies is working with young people who have been involved in the youth justice system to support them to resettle in the community following a period in custody. The team helps them to address substance misuse, accommodation, mental health and education issues.

Whilst Youth Justice itself is one of the few key areas relating to children and young people which is not devolved in Wales, education, housing, substance misuse, health, and social services – all matters very closely related to youth justice – are the responsibility of the Welsh Government and feature strongly in the White Paper.

The White Paper has been introduced as the result of the evidence submitted in response to the Green Paper consultation in 2012  which provides a strong basis for improving services for children who are at risk of entering, or are already in, the Youth Justice System.

The focus of the White Paper will be on the groups of young people who are most at risk of reoffending and continuing to progress through the youth justice system and into custody, as well as their effective resettlement after custody.

The key proposal is to place a statutory duty on Local Authorities and Local Health Boards to establish Regional Reintegration and Resettlement Partnerships to ensure young people at greatest risk of further progressing through the youth justice system are identified and support is put in place to address any needs they have to prevent further progression.

The Minister said:

“Whilst criminal activity by people of all ages is an issue in many of our communities and certainly is not to be condoned, many young people involved in committing crimes fall into the youth justice system due to unmet needs. They are first and foremost children who have often been let down by their families and the services which should support and help them, with the right intervention and support their lives can be turned around.

“The proposals in this White Paper aim to provide intervention and support for children and young people and to prevent their further involvement in crime.

“Preventing the downward spiral which can lead to a life of crime does not just benefit those young people who offend, it’s a very important element of reducing the burden on the Police and the justice system and creating safer and more cohesive communities for all.“

The White Paper consultation will take place from 5 February to the 30 April 2014.

The White Paper can be found here:

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