Burns: Cautious Welcome for Schools Challenge Scheme

Angela_BurnsCommenting on Monday’s launch of ‘Schools Challenge Cymru’ – a Welsh Government scheme aiming to boost underperformance – Welsh Conservative Shadow Minister for Education Angela Burns AM said:

“There is a massive challenge for Labour to correct its 15 years of mistakes in Welsh education and this is a step in the right direction.

“I cautiously welcome the launch of this scheme and Labour’s decision to follow the lead of the Conservative-led coalition.

“The Welsh Labour Minister’s desire to blame teachers remains a matter of grave concern. Make no mistake – Carwyn Jones and Welsh Labour have driven down our schooling system and must accept full blame for that.

“Labour’s first Minister has admitted his party took its ‘eye off the ball’ on education and it’s time to get it firmly back on.

“I am pleased to see Labour learning from successful projects in England and urge the Minister to provide regular updates on this scheme.”


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