Food Production – Skills Development in the Welsh Industry

Lantra ChefPeople 1st Cymru, in partnership with Lantra and the Welsh Food & Drink Skills Project, will be holding two free events on the theme of ‘food production’.

The events are part of the development of a series of Continued Professional Development (CPD) training activities targeting learning providers in the land-based, environmental, hospitality and tourism sectors pan Wales.

The aim of the this training programme is to raise awareness amongst providers on key and emerging issues across the food and drink supply chain in Wales, with the intention of raising awareness of cutting edge activities, issues and best practice relating to the wider food chain.

John Humphreys, Project Manager of People 1st Cymru said:

“The aim of these first two events is to equip and empower the learning providers in attendance to enhance their curricula, and in turn improve the education and training that they deliver to learners. Over 40 individuals responded to our online survey and identified food production, local sourcing of food ingredients and sustainability as the most important areas they would like covered initially in this programme.”

The two events, one on the 20th February at Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor, Glynllifon and the other on the 7th March at Gelli Aur Farm, Coleg Sir Gar, will focus on dairy and red meat production. There will also be a number of guest presenters such as Bwydydd Madryn Foods who will be specialising in food production, sustainability, sourcing and retail; The Mushroom Garden, looking at development of business, production methods, packaging and sales.

Delegates will have the opportunity to sample local food produce an hear from some of the country’s leading specialist food producers and retailers.

The day will also include a regional food display and tastings provided by local specialist food producers and leading suppliers. Some sample products will be made available at learning providers’ institutions.  Refreshments and lunch will be provided.

Please note that places on both events are limited and will be distributed on a first come, first served basis; so please respond as soon as possible. Please contact John Humphreys by e-mail if you would like to attend [email protected], indicating the full name of your college/training company.  If you wish to send multiple delegates then it would help if you could please list them all in one e-mail.

The Welsh Food & Drink Skills Project is supported the Sector Priorities Fund Pilot programme with funding from the European Social Fund through the Welsh Government, and delivered in partnership between Lantra, the Land Based Skills Council, Improve – the Food and Drink Skills Council and People 1st Cymru, the Hospitality and Tourism Skills Council.


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