Glyndwr University: Important message for staff and students

Given the recent bad weather and the shortage of appropriate salt/grit the University finds itself in a position where the shortage could have a serious impact on the health and safety of its staff and students.  The University ordered supplies of grit prior to this recent cold spell, however, the delivery did not arrive as planned.  We have been informed that we are not a priority and that all borough councils and hospitals are.  There is no guarantee that what we have ordered will arrive and the supplies we have will only last today.  We have therefore to make some serious decisions and consequently have agreed the following:

  • That the University will suspend the start of term by one week.
  • That all examinations due to take place next week be suspended and re-scheduled as appropriate.
  • That the University will be closed to staff and students on Friday 8th January and Monday 11th January.
  • That the Emergency Contingency Planning Group will reconvene on Monday to determine whether the campus is safe to open on Tuesday or not.
  • That the decision to close also impacts on Regent Street and Northop Campuses.
  • Optic Glyndŵr will remain open as they have salt supply.

Staff and students are advised to check their e-mails regularly and the University Home Page to find out when the University will be re-opened.  I trust you will appreciate that these decisions have been made with the best interests of staff and students in mind.

Professor Michael Scott

Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive


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