Give Storm-Hit Business Rate Relief, Antoinette Sandbach AM Urges Welsh Government

Antoinette_SandbachBusinesses hit by storms and flooding should be given a three-month break from paying rates, North Wales AM Antoinette Sandbach is urging the Welsh Government.

The move is urgently needed to help companies get back on their feet, said Ms Sandbach, who  today is in her Denbigh office helping to provide assistance and advice to constituents affected by the storms.

“Businesses have been hit doubly hard – firstly through damage thanks to the floods and the storm, and secondly they’ve seen  a sharp drop in trading either because people very sensibly have stayed at home during the bad weather, or because they’ve had to shut their doors for safety reasons.

“According to retail analyst Springboard, footfall in Wales plummeted 18.6% year on year on Monday and 17.7% on Tuesday. As an example, Debenhams closed two stores early in Bangor and Llandudno because of high winds and today other stores will be shut across the region while insurance assessors check for damage.

“The road network across North Wales and north west England was brought to a virtual standstill last night because of the high winds – the area around the Britannia Bridge has become a giant lorry park. That is also affecting deliveries in and out of Wales – both of items to customers and supplies into retailers and companies.

“In the Commons this week, at Prime Minister’s Questions, David Cameron vowed to waive business rates for three months and English companies can also defer VAT, PAYE and corporation tax for the same period.

“We need similar action now from the Welsh Government, it’s  an immediate step that can provide support and help to those businesses that have been affected.”

Ms Sandbach added:

“Businesses and homeowners affected by the storms and floods should contact their local bank branches as many of the UK banks are offering assistance to those who have been affected, including mortgage interest holidays, and business loans for those businesses affected by floods.”


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