Plaid: Minister Sees Sense on Diamond Review of Higher Education

Simon Thomas AM

Simon Thomas AM

Plaid Cymru Shadow Education and Skills Minister Simon Thomas has welcomed the latest statement on terms of reference of the Professor Ian Diamond Review of Higher Education.

Mid and West AM Simon Thomas has been in discussion with the Education Minister regarding the importance of a two stage process.

Simon Thomas said:

“The Minister has seen sense about the Diamond review of Higher Education following talks with Plaid Cymru. We were the first to call for such a review so I am pleased the Minister has been willing to discuss the format with us in order to ensure all party engagement.

“It is very important that the review is independent of Welsh Government and is structured in two parts, the first to deal with evidence gathering and conclusions and the second with recommendations. The first report has to conclude before the end of 2015.

“Plaid Cymru has always advocated a two part approach to ensure all parties, including the Welsh Government, produce policies or principles for the 2016 National Assembly elections.

“A two part approach allows for flexibility the Party of Wales believes is important to facilitate proper political debate at the time of an election and is similar to recent commissions such as Holtham and Silk.

“Higher Education is an important driver for the Welsh economy as I heard today in my meeting with higher education chiefs. It is important that we get a fair and sustainable fees policy after 2016.”

Mr Thomas confirmed that Plaid Cymru would be nominating a member to the review group.

Last month Higher Education Wales estimated 1,500 extra students will go to English Universities by 2015/16 at a cost of £7m to the Welsh Government if a cap on university places is lifted there.

Plaid Cymru Shadow Education Minister Simon Thomas AM added:

“This is an example of the complex way institutions and students now get funded and why an independent review would be valuable.”


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