“Children in Wrexham Benefiting from Flying Start Scheme” says local AM

Lesley_GriffithsAssembly Member for Wrexham Lesley Griffiths has hailed latest figures demonstrating how children in Wrexham are benefiting from a flagship Welsh Government support scheme.

The Flying Start programme aims to ensure children in Wales’ most deprived communities have the right start in life and in Wrexham, statistics reveal almost 900 children profited and received various services last year.

Overall across Wales, a record 23,000 children are benefiting from the programme and now thanks to a £279 million expansion of Flying Start, the scheme is on target to reach more families than ever before.

Flying Start offers eligible parents free quality childcare for children under the age of four, parenting support, an enhanced health visitor service and help with their children’s early language development.

In 2011 the Welsh Government committed to increase the number benefiting from the scheme from 18,000 to 36,000 by 2016. These latest figures lead Welsh Government officials to predict that target will be achieved.

Local Assembly Member Griffiths said:

“Every child, no matter what background they come from, deserves to have the same start and opportunities in life as others.”

“It is great to see Flying Start is making a difference and investing in the future of some of the most deprived communities across Wales.”

“As one of the Welsh Government’s key commitments, Flying Start is on track to double the number of children benefiting from the programme by 2016.”

“The statistics reveal hundreds of children and families in Wrexham have already benefited from Flying Start services and with the programme continuing to expand, I trust even more people in the region will ultimately gain from the scheme.”

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