Plaid Reaffirms Commitment to Apprenticeships

Simon Thomas AM

Simon Thomas AM

During Apprenticeship Week, the Party of Wales has reaffirmed its commitment to the provision of apprenticeships as part of a high-functioning economy. The Party of Wales Shadow Education Minister Simon Thomas said that a successful economy needs strong links between education and skills training and business.

Mr Thomas highlighted the success of Plaid Cymru’s work to ensure the creation of over 5,000 apprenticeships, highlighting that even after Plaid Cymru’s £40 million boost, the Young Recruits Programme is still over-subscribed. Take up has been so high that the government has had to half the subsidy given to employers in a bid to increase the number of placements available.

The Party of Wales Shadow Education Minister Simon Thomas said:

“A successful economy needs strong links between education and skills training and business. That’s why Plaid Cymru has worked hard to develop new and high-quality apprenticeship places for Wales, so that learners can gain the skills that Welsh businesses need.

“These apprenticeships have been hugely successful and they are testament to the fact that businesses want specific and highly-skilled workers. The Party of Wales believes that the Welsh Government has become over-dependent on short-term work placements which only succeed in bringing down the unemployment figures temporarily.

“That’s why we will continue to work in the long term to deliver the skills we need today for a strong economy tomorrow.”

The Party of Wales leader Leanne Wood said:

“Plaid Cymru wants to work with the private sector to develop the skills that they need. Apprenticeships will be a vital part of that work as we link the training and education we provide with the skills that business wants.”

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