Plaid MEP’s Unfinished Business

Jill Evans MEPPlaid Cymru the Party of Wales MEP Jill Evans has told the party’s spring conference in Cardiff about her ‘twin ambitions’ over unfinished business in the European Parliament. She said that she aimed to continue fighting for the Welsh national interest, and to press for EU reforms which would see Europe work for Wales.

Jill Evans MEP said:

“The European Union is a remarkable achievement. But now is the time for change to make it more relevant, more democratic and more successful.

“It has led the way on combatting climate change, but it is losing its nerve at the very time when we need radical and positive action.

“As a nation with natural assets and huge potential as a powerhouse for renewable energy, Wales should be working in close partnership with the EU and internationally to develop that potential. We need ambitious targets if we are to tackle this serious problem.

“I aim to be back in Parliament after the May election, to continue to work for the Welsh national interest and for EU reforms so that the people of Wales benefit fully from membership.

“Europe must work for Wales.”

Jill Evans MEP continued:

“Plaid Cymru is the only party which puts Wales first. I have always voted in Wales’s national interest when others have voted against, whether that be on the budgets or the Common Agricultural Policy – CAP.

“Time after time we’ve seen the Labour Welsh government and the Tory UK government failing Wales, over transport routes and, most recently, over flooding, when the government failed to push for possible funding from the EU Solidarity Fund.”

“Europhobes are entitled to their views, but we must not allow ugly politics to get in the way of progress in bringing prosperity to the people of Wales.

“We need to understand why people have lost faith in the European Union, and we need change to make Europe work for Wales.”


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