AM Urges Smokers to Stub it Out

Ken_Skates_AMSmokers are being urged to stub out their habit by Labour Assembly Member Ken Skates.

The Clwyd South AM, a former smoker, wants people in his constituency to quit for national No Smoking Day on Wednesday, March 12 – and hopefully kick the tobacco for good.

He said: “Research shows that people who quit and manage to stay off tobacco could gain an extra week of life for every 28 days they are smoke-free, and those who stop for 28 days are five times more likely not to take up the habit again.

“As a former smoker myself I am well aware of the severe health risks. Smoking is the biggest cause of premature death in the UK, claiming over 100,000 lives and costing the NHS up to £2.7bn every year. Half the nation’s long-term smokers die prematurely from diseases related to their habit. As well as the obvious health benefits, quitting tobacco will save the average smoker more than £150 per month.”

No Smoking Day, run in association with the British Heart Foundation, has been running since Ash Wednesday in 1983, and is designed to help spur more smokers into permanent action every year.
Mr Skates added: “There is an abundance of free support available for those who want to stop smoking, so I would urge anyone thinking of stubbing it out for good to visit”


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