Rhosddu Post office Concerns Aired at Meeting

424px-Ian_LucasConcerns about changes to the way a Post Office will work have been aired at a meeting organised by Wrexham MP Ian Lucas.

The changes to the way the Post Office in Rhosddu operates are being made following a consultation by the Post Office, but some local community councillors and county councillor Steve Wilson had expressed worries about the proposals. Among the concerns was the effect the changes would have on some Post Office customers.

As a result, Mr Lucas organised a meeting between those concerned and Post Office representatives to discuss the proposals. During the meeting, the Post Office representatives explained how the plans would work and listened to the concerns raised locally.

Mr Lucas said: “I was pleased to meet the Post Office– local residents wanted answers that we can now supply.

“I do have some reservations about what is proposed and made these clear at the meeting. We have agreed to monitor the situation, will take a look once the new-style counter has been set up, and will be back in touch with the Post Office once this has happened.”

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