Council set to clear side streets

Swansea Council has called in more staff to help grit streets and footpaths in communities throughout the city.

Council grit teams have been out throughout the weekend to clear main roads and refill grit bins.

And now the Council can get to many of the side streets and communities where the icy conditions have taken longer to thaw out.

Carl Humphrey, Head of Highways in Swansea Council, said: “We are continuing to treat main roads in Swansea.

“Council teams are also being deployed to areas near schools, community shopping areas and residential homes for elderly people. Work will be carried out to ensure pavements and streets are gritted. This should make conditions much safer underfoot.

“We’re continuing to conserve salt stocks following reports that more snow is forecast later this week.”

Cllr John Hague, Cabinet Member for the Environment in Swansea, said: “The severe weather has proved to be a challenge for everyone including the Council. Keeping main roads open and collecting refuse and recycling have been a priority for us.

“I’m delighted with the dedication shown by all our staff that have braved the elements and worked extremely hard.”

Refuse services in the city have also returned to normal with almost all refuse and recycling not picked during last week collected.

In addition to the gritting and refuse collections, secondary schools across Swansea are open to pupils and exams are taking place as planned.

Further cold weather is predicted later this week but schools will be doing everything possible to ensure exams take place. Exam students and their parents will be kept fully up to date by their school.


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