Bunnies and Bonnets at Caerphilly Library

Diane ClarkeYesterday (Thursday 17th April), Caerphilly Library held its first ever Easter Eggs-travaganza.  Visitors were entertained with Easter stories, Easter activities and an Easter bonnet parade.

Children and adults alike, wore amazing creations consisting of fluffy bunnies and chirpy chicks, eggs-cellent eggs and fabulous farm animals – it was a delight to see.

During story time, there were wide eyes at the tall tales of Easter egg scrambles and bunny adventures.

The Easter bonnet parade took place and the “best bonnet” competition was judged by Ruth Betty, Customer First and Yvonne Harris, Libraries Area Manager.  There were dinosaur hats, Easter crowns, beautiful bonnets and other crafty creations and all the children who attended were full of the joys of spring.  The winners were William Owen and Isobelle Lloyd-Grayson, closely followed by runners up Archie Morgan and ffion Marks.


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