Caerphilly: Refuse / Recycling collections update

The authority’s refuse and cleansing workforce has again been deployed to assist highways colleagues in snow clearance and gritting. Many side roads remain inaccessible for heavy vehicles but it is anticipated that a further thaw overnight will enable the authority to resume some waste collection services tomorrow.

It is hoped that the backlog can be tackled over the weekend thanks to a planned effort to concentrate extra resources across the county borough on Saturday and Sunday to get as much collected as is safely possible.

Residents are being asked to leave uncollected refuse and recycling bins out so that they can be collected. It is likely that there may still be some side streets in residential areas where access could still be a problem for the heavy collection vehicles and where significant volumes are collected this may also slow down the catch-up process. Consequently there may be a further delay in some areas. Additional vehicles and crews will also be deployed throughout next week to bring these collections up to date.

Cllr Lyn Ackerman, CCBC cabinet member for the environment, said, “Like many other council’s across the country, our waste collection service has been severely disrupted by the recent bad weather. The safety of the public and our collection crews is paramount and we have needed to suspend many collection rounds over recent weeks due to the danger caused by the snow and ice.”

“We hope to catch up over the weekend and in the early part of next week and will resume normal service as soon as conditions allow. Hopefully local residents can appreciate the difficulties we are facing and we would like to thank everyone for their patience and understanding.”

During the bad weather the refuse and cleansing workforce has been deployed to assist highways colleagues with snow clearance and hand gritting in town centres and other priority areas.


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