Plaid: Time to Put Wales First

european_flagPlaid Cymru – the Party of Wales today launched its European manifesto, saying that it is the only party that the people of Wales could rely upon to look after their interests.

Warning about what is at stake for Wales in the European elections, Plaid Cymru said that the UK parties would cost Welsh jobs through cutting money and investment to Wales.

The Party of Wales said that it will:

  • secure 150,000 Welsh jobs by staying in the EU
  • create 50,000 more Welsh jobs through Welsh contracts for Welsh companies
  • give our young people a job or training guarantee if they are out of work for more than four months
  • fight to make Welsh an official EU language
  • improve rail and road transport links in all parts of Wales

Plaid Cymru MEP Jill Evans said: “Plaid Cymru is the only party that is standing up for the Welsh national interest.

“The people of Wales are our priority. We are answerable only to them.

“There is a huge amount at stake here. 150,000 Welsh jobs depend upon trade with the European Union. We get funding for investment, training and education, and to improve our infrastructure.

“Plaid Cymru wants an outward looking and confident Wales – creating sustainable jobs, a better healthcare service, a better educated workforce and a high standard of living.

“If, like us, you put the people of Wales first, then you must vote for Plaid Cymru – the Party of Wales at this European election.”

Plaid Cymru leader Leanne Wood warned that only Plaid Cymru could be a strong voice for Wales, as the Party of Wales is the only party that will always put Wales first each and every day.

Plaid Cymru leader Leanne Wood said: “Only the Party of Wales can and will put Wales first at all levels of government.

“Ideology on the right of politics is directly threatening Wales’ interests.

“More than 150,000 jobs in Wales, more than 1 in 10 of all of our jobs, are linked to EU trade and our continued membership of the European Union. In total that trade is worth £5 billion to the Welsh economy. UKIP & the Tories want to pull us out of the EU.

“All UK based parties have used rhetoric on migration and Euro-scepticism to get easy votes in this election. To all those who want to distance themselves from such rhetoric; to those who want to put international cooperation on regulating bankers, clamping down on tax avoidance, climate change and peace at the heart of European politics, and in particular to those who want to stop the far right gaining ground in Wales: I’d ask you all to back Plaid Cymru.

“Only Plaid Cymru’s Jill Evans MEP can point to a consistent and strong record of standing up for Wales at every turn.”


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