Plaid Cymru MEP Jill Evans calls for Full Employment Goal

Jill Evans MEPPlaid Cymru MEP Jill Evans has called for Wales to adopt the goal of ‘full employment’, saying that Wales must move towards a higher wage economy.

Speaking ahead of international workers’ day on May 1st, Jill Evans MEP welcomed the creation of thousands of new jobs in Wales, but warned that the Welsh economy must not be reliant on part-time and low-paid work.

She said that Plaid Cymru was ambitious for Wales and that the party’s plans for Welsh contracts for Welsh companies would create 50,000 new jobs in Wales – nearly halving the unemployment rate in Wales.

Plaid Cymru MEP Jill Evans said:

“Plaid Cymru is ambitious for Wales, and we always put Wales first.

“Our ‘Welsh contracts for Welsh companies’ policy on public procurement would create 50,000 jobs in Wales.

“It would increase skills levels, create better links in the supply chain and help small and medium sized businesses in all corners of Wales.

“Adopting this policy would cut the number of people out of work in Wales by nearly half.

“For too long, Wales has been a low-wage economy, with many reliant on part-time hours, working more than one job or being ‘under-employed’.

“We need everybody in Wales to play their part in improving our economy, creating more jobs and better wages – getting a fair day’s wage for a fair day’s work.

“With the economy finally recovering, despite years of austerity, now is the time to once again aim for full employment.

“The Lisbon Treaty has this is as a goal but it is now time for the Welsh and UK Governments to live up to its promises and treat workers properly.

“More than 150,000 Welsh jobs – more than 1 in 10 in Wales – depends upon our trade with European countries, so now is not the time to put those jobs at risk.

“Only Plaid Cymru has the best interests of Wales at heart and when it comes to improving quality of life for the people of Wales, we cannot be ambitious enough.”

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