AM Calls for Effective Prevention of Substance Misuse Amongst Children

Rebecca EvansRebecca Evans AM, Assembly Member for Mid and West Wales, has called on the Welsh Government to ensure that local government is effective in preventing substance misuse following the news that children as young as 12 in Mid and West Wales are being referred to specialist drug and alcohol treatment.

Figures obtained by the Press Association show that 12 year olds in Powys and Pembrokeshire had been referred to the specialist services; and elsewhere in the UK children as young as 4 were being referred.

Speaking during questions to the First Minister in the National Assembly this week, Mrs Evans asked:

“How is the Welsh Government ensuring that local government is effective in preventing substance misuse in children through the delivery of their education and social services functions?”

The First Minister responded:

“I can give the Member two examples. More than £2 million is spent each year on the all-Wales school liaison core programme, which is a joint Welsh Government and police and crime commissioner initiative that is delivered in 98% of schools across Wales, providing substance misuse education to children and young people at key stages 1 to 4—and, yes, at key stage 1; I am afraid that it has to be done even at that age.

“Secondly, £2.75 million of the substance misuse action fund is ring-fenced specifically for children and young people’s activities, and that has enabled children and young people to access prevention and treatment services across the country. I know that, in Pembrokeshire, a children and young people’s service is providing targeted help and support to this group.”


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