Black: Welsh Lib Dems the Only Party with a Plan on Student Living Costs

Peter_BlackThe Welsh Liberal Democrats have reacted to the Finance Committee report on student finance for Welsh students.

The Welsh Liberal Democrats want to introduce a Student Living Support Grant for all Welsh-domiciled students registered for a first undergraduate degree at a UK university, including part-time students, payable on top of the existing means-tested Assembly Learning Grant. This will be funded by withdrawing the Tuition Fee Grant.

Peter Black AM, Welsh Liberal Democrat Spokesperson on Finance, said:

“It’s clear from the committee evidence and from what students have told me that living costs while studying are a real problem for many. Students shouldn’t need to be working undue hours to support themselves through university. It’s living costs, not tuition fees, that acts as the primary barrier for young people accessing higher education. We need to refocus the debate around student funding on living costs to ensure that all students are able to access higher education courses.

“The Welsh Liberal Democrats are the only party with a clear plan to support students with their living costs. Our Student Living Support Grant gives Welsh domiciled students money every year, making sure they can afford to live while studying. We are listening to students’ concerns and acting on them.”


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