Re-appeal for Information Following Incident, Snowden Court, Lansbury Park

GwentpoliceGwent Police are reappealing for information following an incident in Snowdon Court, Lansbury Park, Caerphilly at approximately 9pm on Wednesday April 30th

On arrival officers discovered three people had received stab wounds. A 23 year man was injured in the arm and back, a 24 year old man received back and torso injuries and a 23 year old woman was stabbed in the arm. All three were taken by ambulance to University of Wales Hospital Cardiff. All three have now been released from hospital.

It is believed that three men forced entry into the address and attacked those present before leaving the property in a dark car with tinted windows.

A 29 year old man from the Cardiff area has been arrested on suspicion of  attempted murder and grevious bodily harm has been released on police bail pending further enquiries.

Anyone with any information about the incident or saw anything suspicious in the area at the time is asked to ring 101 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 quoting log 453 30/04/14.


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