Plaid Cymru MEP calls for Fracking Moratorium

Jill Evans MEPPlaid Cymru MEP Jill Evans has called for a moratorium on fracking in Wales and the UK until it can be proven that there is no damage to the environment or health.

The European Union vote-tracker shows that Jill Evans MEP is the only Welsh MEP to have a 100% record in opposing fracking.

In a recent European vote, Jill Evans fought to ensure that all fracking or shale gas applications would have to have had an environmental impact assessment beforehand, and was the only Welsh MEP to vote for this. It was defeated by parliament.

Plaid Cymru is concerned about the possibility of environmental damage from hydraulic fracturing, our continued reliance on fossil fuels and that Wales would not financially benefit from fracking.

Speaking ahead of today’s Friends of the Earth Cymru conference in Hawarden, north Wales, Jill Evans MEP said:

“As Plaid Cymru, we always put Wales first and so we cannot ignore the environmental and health risks involved with fracking in Wales.

“There is little public support for fracking and the Welsh and UK Governments should introduce a moratorium until it can be proven that there is no damage to the environment or health.

“According to Friends of the Earth Cymru, the economic benefits from fracking are being over-estimated by the industry.

“Friends of the Earth Cymru estimate that as few as 200 jobs could be created – not the thousands promised.

“Financially, Wales will not benefit in any case because any profits from fracking will go elsewhere – we have no energy fund, like the energy fund in Norway that is worth billions of pounds to their economy.

“Investment in renewable technology will not just create more jobs than fracking, the energy generated will be there forever.

“In contrast, there is only a limited amount of shale gas that can be extracted from Wales before we need to find a new source of energy.

“Investment should be in tidal lagoons and other renewable sources that will meet the energy needs of the people of Wales and won’t run out.”


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