Prosiect Gwyrdd focus group established

As part of the ongoing campaign to engage with the public, Prosiect Gwyrdd will be holding the first focus group next week, with a selection of residents from across the five authority areas.

The Focus Group meetings will guide approximately 50 residents through the procurement of the Project, giving them the opportunity to engage with members of the Project Team. The group will be as interactive a possible ensuring that those that attend understand the issues and are able to ask any questions they may have.

The residents making up the focus group have expressed an interest in the Project through existing forums in each authority, which include Citizen Panels, Younger Persons Forum, Older Persons Forums, Waste Forums and those that have contacted the Council(s) in the past and expressed an interest in public participation.

Cllr Stephens, Chair of the Joint Committee, governing the project, said: “Along with the road shows, this focus group is part of the ongoing campaign to try to get as many people interested in the Project as possible. A website has been developed – – so everyone can see the aim and potential options available. The Project Team can be contacted through email – [email protected] – or by phone, 02920 717523.”

The first session will look at the national context, how the Project is going to communicate with the public, an overview of the partnership so far and the possible technologies that are available in the market place to treat the remaining 30% of waste after recycling and composting has been maximised in each area. Opportunities will also be given to members of the Focus Group on their ideas on how they would like to see the sessions work in the future.

The Focus Group intends to guide the residents through the procurement of the Project with two to three events each year. Every effort will be made to engage in a clear way to ensure that everyone present understands and has the opportunity to engage with members of the Project Team.

  • Prosiect Gwyrdd is a technology neutral partnership and will assess all bids made against agreed criteria. No decision on technology or site has been made and the partnership is aware of a number of companies offering different technical solutions that are interested in this contract.

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