Council leads by example in tackling discrimination

Swansea Council is preparing to lead by example in a bid to continue the eradication of discrimination and promotion quality in Swansea.

A new draft Equality Policy sets out the Council’s continued intent to provide jobs and services with equal fairness, respect and dignity.

The Council wants to ensure people are treated fairly and according to their needs as opposed to their age, disability, gender, race, religion, beliefs, sexual orientation or use of the Welsh language.

Cllr Mary Jones, Swansea Council Cabinet Member for Business improvement and Efficiency, said: “This statement aims to confirm the Council’s long-standing commitment to equality and to provide a platform for future progress in this area.

“All Council staff and Councillors will be responsible for making sure that what the Equality Policy statement promises is achieved.”

Swansea Council plans to lead by example by making sure all its employment policies, procedures, guidelines and circulars reflect and reinforce equality.

For example, the draft equality policy statement puts a duty on staff and Councillors to ensure nobody is unfairly discriminated against either when applying for a job or in the workplace.

It also puts a duty on the Council to encourage equal opportunities and to actively promote good relations in the community.

Services should be offered fairly to all and conditions, procedures or behaviour which could lead to discrimination should be eliminated.

The Equality Policy statement goes before the Council’s Cabinet on Thursday February 18 and, with their approval, it will then go on for formal consultation with trade unions.

The move updates and develops the existing Council Equal Opportunities Policy in line with the latest legislation.


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