Minister announces £3 million of extra funding for Fire and Rescue Services

Social Justice and Local Government Minister Carl Sargeant has announced an extra £3 million of funding for Fire and Rescue Services in Wales.

The money will be used by Fire and Rescue Services across Wales to fund essential capital works at 45 fire stations and training centres to ensure that they meet Equality and Diversity and Health and Safety requirements.

The money will also fund much needed refurbishments in fire stations throughout Wales. Thirty three fire stations in South Wales will benefit from the removal of asbestos from their premises, Earlswood training centre will undergo redevelopment and improvement works, and Ynys Mon county safety office will be modernised. It is intended that such projects will have a dual benefit by generating work for local construction companies and suppliers.

The Minister said:

“The Welsh Assembly Government is committed to doing all it can to help the Fire and Rescue Services. This extra money will fund much needed capital works which will result in greater efficiency and effectiveness of Fire and Rescue Services across Wales. I believe it is essential that we provide our fire-fighters with the equipment and facilities they need to continue protecting the people of Wales.”


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