Over £11,000 Worth of Heroin Seized in Operation Poker

Heroin with a street value of over £11,000 has been seized in the last few weeks.

As part of Operation Poker around 2oz of heroin destined for the streets of Pembrokeshire has been seized.

One person was arrested by officers in Newtown while driving back to Pembrokeshire and half an ounce was seized.

Another ounce was seized when a man was stopped by British Transport Police in Bristol when getting on a train to Pembrokeshire.

The further half an ounce was recovered from a house in Claberston Road.

Superintendent Reg Bevan said: “Operation Poker is very much about targeting dealers of heroin and helping users break their habit.

“Dealers may think Pembrokeshire is an easy area to target but they are wrong as we are targeting them.

“These incidents also demonstrate how other forces are also helping us prevent drugs getting into the county.”


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