Davies: Review must re-focus spending on education not bureaucracy

Responding yesterday to the statement on the proposed review into education funding in Wales, Shadow Education Minister Paul Davies AM said:

“This review must get to the heart of funding problems in schools, colleges and universities across Wales.

“We also need to know whether or not this review will look at the role of the Assembly Government itself in administering education funding and whether it is operating effectively.

“Without investigating all aspects of funding within the education portfolio, a complete and accurate representation of education spending in Wales will not be established.

“We already know pupils in Wales receive £527 per head less than those in England, and colleges and universities face the prospect of cutting courses, jobs and student numbers because of budget pressures.

“The Assembly Government has short-changed students, staff, schools and colleges across Wales for far too long.

“Without a fundamental overhaul of how schools and colleges are funded, and without refocusing spending on frontline education rather than bureaucracy, Wales will be left even further behind.”


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