Switch off your lights for Earth’s sake on March 27

Swansea is set to join thousands of other communities across the globe taking part in a truly international event to raise awareness of climate change this month.

On Saturday March 27 at 8.30pm the lights will be going out for one hour in Council locations across the city to mark nature conservation charity WWF’s Earth Hour.

Swansea was one of nearly 3,000 cities and towns in 80 countries to take part in last year’s Earth Hour.

Lights went out in 66 national capitals and nine out of the 10 most populated cities on the planet. Over 800 of the world’s most iconic landmarks also went dark including the Sydney Opera House, the Eiffel Tower, the Pyramids of Giza and the Empire State Building.

Swansea Council Leader Chris Holley said: “WWF’s Earth Hour is a fun and positive global event, but one with a serious message about getting greenhouse gas emissions under control.

“We can all take small steps to help reduce our carbon footprint and at the same time save money on our household fuel bills.”

Swansea Council
has joined forces with the Energy Saving Trust to offer support to householders on how they can save money and cut down on fuel bills.

Any Swansea resident can get in touch for free advice on saving energy and reducing waste.

Services include a free Home Energy Check which involves completing a simple questionnaire and getting advice on how you can insulate your home and save money.

For more information call 0800 512012 or log onto www.energysavingtrust.org.uk


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